Monday, May 31, 2021

Cibermentores presentan a sus compañeros

En una clase online los alumnos cibermentores llegan a todos sus compañeros de 5º y 6º para presentarles su gran producto final en español.

Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de vuestro trabajo. Esperamos que todo lo aprendido lo llevéis a vuestra vida académica y personal; pudiendo ayudar con vuestros ciber consejos a compañeros o familiares. Podréis evitar que otros niños sean víctimas de riesgos más graves como son el ciberacoso o el grooming. 

Ha sido una sesión de clausura llena de aprendizajes y muy emotiva, pues es el broche a muchos meses de intenso trabajo.

A continuación os compartimos la grabación de la sesión y nuestro álbum de fotos. ¡Esperemos que os gusten!



In an online class the cybermentor students reach out to all their 5th and 6th grade classmates to present their great final product in Spanish.

We are very proud of your work. We hope that you will take what you have learned into your academic and personal life; you will be able to help your classmates or family members with your cyber advice. You will be able to prevent other children from becoming victims of more serious risks such as cyberbullying or grooming. 

It has been a closing session full of learning and very emotional, as it is the end of many months of intense work.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Reading and learning from the Club of the Braves

We are 5th grade A students and we all love meetings to share our reading feelings.

Three years ago we learnt how to follow the rules in this special meetings that we shared in our class.

Here, we explain how we celebrate this meetings.

Firstly, we have to check that all students have read the same part of the book and after that, we remember the rules for a correct participation.

Finally, the moderator, who is always a student, gives turns to speak about each page and one by one share their reflections with the rest. We can answer and feedback our classmate opinions but we cannot judge them. And of course, the moderator has to establish an order of participation.

In our assemblies there is a grandma who loves reading. Her name is Carmen and she is a writer too and she enriches our meetings because she finds wonderful words that make all of us reflect deeply.

After reading the book "the Club of the Braves" we made great thought about the unfair situation at Samuel's school and here you can see our pictures and why we had chosen them. We hope you like them because we did this activity plenty of excitement.

Click on the image to watch the pictures:

Friday, May 21, 2021

Turkish mobility 2nd and 3rd Days


We present the students who participated in these two sessions.

During these two days we have participated in the following activities:


There have been two sessions in which we have been introduced to the fantastic world of programming and robotics. The students' performance has been spectacular.

Speaker of the two sessions.

Students participating in the workshop.

Students participating in the workshop.


Each group of cybermentor pupils from the six associations presented their annual work on Internet risks to their peers. These are the themes worked on in each of the schools: Hungary - Games; Italy - Netiquette and cyberbullying; Poland - Hate; Spain - Techno Addictions; Romania - Cybersecurity threats; and Turkey - Finding out the average time being spent on Instagram.

A summary of the experience is described in this blog post.



This activity is of utmost importance in our project, as it has allowed us to evaluate the impact of the project in our educational communities. In the following link we invite you to read the results of this evaluation.


Presentation of the questionnaire to all teachers and students.

Students completing the questionnaire.


The students were trained on how to use the TwinSpace of our project. They saw the great importance of this platform, as well as how easy and intuitive it is to use.


The students took part in a quiz to test their knowledge in relation to what they had learned about cybersecurity issues. The experience was very didactic because they had fun while reinforcing what they learned and understanding their mistakes thanks to the feedback provided by the web tool and the explanations of our coordinating partner, Aysegul Erdur.


We saw all the work done from Unit 2 of Good Practices. This is contained in a PadletWe show the work done in relation to unit three of good practices: The Club of the Braves. The teachers agreed on the deadline for handing in this and other outstanding activities (end of June).


We played with an easy English Quiz that included ten english questions.


We issued individual certificates for all the participants. We printed them at the centre and held a handover ceremony.


We look back on the moments of online mobility with the Hungarian partners in a touching video.

We express our thanks to the coordinating partners of the activity with a collaborative presentation which we share below.

During the mobility we made a diary with photos, drawings and messages of the moments that caught our attention and which we share below with our partners and blog readers (click on the image).

We end this entry with a message of thanks to our coordinating partners in Turkey for their great effort in virtualising an activity that was initially planned to be done in a face-to-face mode. We also thank the participation of the management teams, teachers, students and families who are directly or indirectly involved in our project. Thank you!

Turkey mobility: Activity description and benefits for participants



Between 19 and 21 May 2021 we celebrated our second virtual mobility with our partners from Turkey, coordinated by their teacher Aysegul Erdur. As it was a virtual activity, it allowed for greater participation of teachers and students, as can be seen in this link.

During three days, students and teachers from our schools worked on the following contents set out in the programme of the activity: presentation of the participating countries, our regions and schools; presentation of the students and teachers directly involved in the mobility; web 2. 0 applications; interesting facts and curiosities about Turkey; coding and robotics through Scratch; presentation of the study carried out by the cybermentor students on the risks of the Internet; use of the project's eTwinning platform and TwinSpace; evaluation of the project's impact during the first two years of implementation by teachers, pupils and families; discussion and evaluation of the good practices of Unit 3; and closure of the mobility.

All the activities enabled student and teacher participation through cooperative learning, activity and stimulation of the scientific vision of the Internet, using different groupings. The coordinating teacher moderated the sessions, provided examples to familiarise students with the activities, gave guidance in the search for solutions and acted as a guide. The coordinating teachers, the other participating teachers and the teachers in charge of the workshop collaborated with Aysegul Erdur to ensure the success of the activities. The sequence of activities in the robotics and coding workshop followed an increasing order of difficulty. The rest of the activities were adapted when necessary to the interests and needs of the students. The programme of activities was adhered to as planned and it was not necessary to reduce or extend activities.

Looking back to the planned and completed activities, we can all be satisfied with what we achieved:

- Students and teachers we present our countries, regions, cities and schools.

- We enjoyed live traditional dances and songs from the host school in Fethiye. The invited schools presented our traditional dances through videos.

- We were introduced by an expert in web 2.0 tools for pupils. 

- We got acquainted with some outsanding places in Fethiye.

- We were introduced by an expert in two coding sessions.

- The cybermentor students presented their work: Hungary: Games; Italy: Netiquette and cyberbullying; Poland: Hate; Spain: Technoadictions; Romania: Cybersecurity threats; and Turkey: Finding out the average time being spent on Instagram.

- Students, teachers and families filled in a questionnaire to evaluate the impact of the project activities during the last two years in our educational communities.

- We participated in a workshop to promote the use of our project TwinSpace.

- We saw all the work done from unit 2 of good practice. This is contained in a Padlet. Link:

- We show the work done in relation to unit three of good practices: The Club of the Braves. The teachers agreed on the deadline for handing in this and other outstanding activities (end of June).

- We played with and easy English quiz that included 10 english questions. Link to the video:

- We issued individual certificates for the participants.

- We watched a compilation of photos made during the meeting.

- We reflected on the mobility experience and thanked the host partners for the great effort in virtualising their programme of activities.

Students and teachers from all the associations took part in this activity: Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain. As it was an online activity, a larger number of students and teachers were able to participate. Other classes were able to join and follow the programme activities through the links provided. Families participated in the project's impact evaluation activity.

Activities took place in classrooms of every school where all the necessary equipment was ready to use: Computers, webcams, handicraft tools and materials. On this occasion, due to the virtualisation of the activity, we do not require large spaces to carry out the tasks. Activities planned for the meeting are fully integrated in the normal activities of all the schools.


Thanks to this activity participants gained the following benefits:

- Being a virtual mobility, a larger number of students were able to participate and other classes were able to join in and see what was happening in the video call, learning together with the participating students.

- We increased sensory learning, improved socialisation and had opportunities for hands-on innovation, thanks to the robotics and coding workshop.

- We acquired the ability to think critically.

- We quickly learned to use the chat to give feedback and answer questions in English, thus improving our language skills.

- We cooperated between partners from different European countries.

- We became familiar with the culture of Fethiye in Turkey.

- The web 2.0 applications workshop improved computer and Internet skills. These digital tools can be put into practice in the classroom.

- The coding and robotics workshop provided an opportunity for students not to restrict their online world to games and social networking, but to expand it into scientific areas where they can be more productive and happier.

- Getting to know the local food, traditions and lifestyles helped us to develop a stronger personality to be a European and global citizen.

- We appreciated all the work that had been put in by the hosts as well as by all the project coordinators and participating teachers, who were at all times very concerned about bridging the gap.



Teachers participating in the Turkish mobility. From left to right: Rebeca Rivas, Eva Mª Moriel, Daniel Gallardo, Juan Antonio Rincón, Mª Luisa Dávila y Ester León.

5th grade students participate in the 2nd virtual mobility.

Opening Ceremony: Presentations, dances and traditional songs of our Turkish partners.


Workshop: Web 2.0 applications for students

Interesting facts about Turkey

Workshop: First coding session

Workshop: Second coding session

Certificates of attendance

Farewell and thanks

Thursday, May 20, 2021

"The Club of the Braves", 4ºB

     Somos nuevos por aquí y estamos encantados de poder leeros y también de poder compartir nuestra pequeña aportación con todos vosotros.

    Después de leer el libro titulado "El Club de los Valientes", los alumnos de la clase de 4º B nos sentimos un poquito más afortunados. Os contamos porqué. Con su historia no solo hemos aprendido a ser más valientes, también hemos aprendido a ser mejores seres humanos.

    Hemos comprendido que los problemas no se solucionan con amenazas, que no tenemos que cumplir las órdenes de los demás por miedo, que los problemas se solucionan de forma pacífica sin utilizar la fuerza, ya que utilizar la fuerza es de cobardes.

    También hemos aprendido que cuando las cosas se "ponen feas" tenemos a personas a nuestro alrededor dispuestas a ayudarnos, solo que a veces tenemos que pedir esa ayuda. Formando nuestro propio club podemos vencer al miedo y ser más valientes que nunca.

Valientes, si alguna vez necesitáis ayuda, no dudéis en pedirla. Nosotros, estamos aquí, a vuestro lado.

Cibermentores: ¡Llegó el día de la presentación!

Llegó el gran día y nuestros alumnos cibermentores presentaron su trabajo de tecnoadicciones a los compañeros y socios del proyecto Europeo. Tuvimos una evaluación muy positiva por parte de la profesora anfitriona Aysegul Erdur. Hemos de felicitar a los alumnos por el enorme trabajo que hicieron de presentar su trabajo en inglés. Esperamos que el mismo le sirva para estar ciberseguros tanto en su vida personal como académica. ¡Enhorabuena!

The big day came and our cybermentor students presented their work on techno-addictions to the classmates and teachers of the European project. We had a very positive evaluation from the host teacher Aysegul Erdur. We have to congratulate the students for the huge work they did to present their work in English. We hope it will help them to be cyber-safe in their personal and academic life. Congratulations!


El vídeo no tiene mucha calidad pero visibiliza el gran esfuerzo que los alumnos realizaron. No pudimos grabar la sesión porque no éramos los organizadores de la misma. Prometemos que grabaremos uno de mayor calidad, en castellano, para compartir con toda nuestra comunidad educativa.

The video is not very good quality but it shows the great effort that the students made. We could not record the session because we were not the organisers of it. We promise that we will record a better quality one, in Spanish, to share with all our educational community.


Nuestra Directora hizo fotos de nuestra presentación y la de todas las organizaciones que compartimos a continuación. ¡Gracias, María Luisa! 







A continuación compartimos nuestra presentación en inglés y castellano, gran producto final del trabajo anual de nuestros alumnos cibermentores. Esperamos que sea de utilidad.

Below we share our presentation in English and Spanish, a great final product of the annual work of our cybermentor students. We hope you find it useful.

31 de mayo de 2021

En una clase online los alumnos cibermentores llegan a todos sus compañeros de 5º y 6º para presentarles su gran producto final en español. Ha sido una sesión de clausura llena de aprendizajes y muy emotiva, pues es el broche a muchos meses de intenso trabajo. A continuación os compartimos la grabación de la sesión y nuestro álbum de fotos. ¡Esperemos que os gusten!

In an online class, the cybermentor students reached out to all their 5th and 6th grade classmates to present their great final product in Spanish. It has been a closing session full of learning and very emotional, as it is the culmination of many months of intense work. Below we share with you the recording of the session and our photo album, we hope you like them!