Wednesday, February 24, 2021

First virtual mobility



In a few days we will start our first virtual mobility. We are preparing it with the same enthusiasm and excitement as if it were in person. As has become traditional, we have taken the official photos that you can see below.

From top to bottom, and from left to right, we are pleased to introduce you to:

馃搶 Marcos L贸pez Arcos.
馃搶 Mar铆a Elena Gal谩n Cruces.
馃搶 Jos茅 Mar铆a Rela帽o Cinta.
馃搶 Alba Prieto Garc铆a.
馃搶 Alicia Cayetano Fern谩ndez.
馃搶 脡rika Ord贸帽ez 脕lvarez.
馃搶 Fadela Mulet Mimoun.
馃搶 Alberto Gonz谩lez Pastor.
馃搶 Ana Garc铆a Caballero.
馃搶 Iv谩n Can贸nico Canchado.
馃搶 Elena Lavado Mayoral.
馃搶 Sof铆a Llanos Llanos.
馃搶 Izan Oses Moreno.
馃搶 Mirel Sali.

And the participating teachers will be: Daniel Gallardo Pajuelo (tutor 5th grade C and ICT Coordinator), Eva Mar铆a Moriel Jim茅nez (Head of Studies), Ester Le贸n Carrascal (Secretary), Mar铆a Luisa D谩vila Ladero (Headmistress) and Juan Antonio Rinc贸n Carballo (Coordinator).

Over the next few days we will be informing you about everything that happens in this wonderful activity. Students and teachers will be publishing daily in this space. Will you join us?


2 March 2021: Summary of Day 1.
3 March 2021: Summary of Day 2.
4 March 2021: Summary of Day 3.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Sesi贸n Foro Familias: Estilos parentales y Redes Sociales al descubierto

En las dos 煤ltimas sesiones del Foro Familia hemos contado con la presencia de Mar铆a del Pilar G贸mez San Miguel, maestra de Primaria y Educaci贸n Especial, Experta en Mediaci贸n Familiar y Coach de Familia e Inteligencia Emocional. Sus aportaciones, experiencias, explicaciones y presentaci贸n han sido una aportaci贸n muy valiosa al objetivo de nuestro proyecto de crear espacios educativos f铆sicos y digitalmente seguros para nuestros menores. En las dos sesiones hemos trabajado la gesti贸n 贸ptima de la tecnolog铆a desde la familia

La primera sesi贸n se llev贸 a cabo el 9 de febrero y se abord贸 el tema de los Estilos parentales y las Redes sociales. Durante la sesi贸n nuestra ponente dio respuesta a estos tres interrogantes:

  1. Tecnolog铆a, ¿s铆 o no?
  2. Los estilos parentales y sus consecuencias "tecnol贸gicas".
  3. Acompa帽amiento sano a la infancia en las redes sociales.

La segunda sesi贸n ha tenido lugar el 23 de febrero y se han trabajado temas demandados por las familias en la sesi贸n anterior como son el de las redes sociales y su uso.

P贸ster de la sesi贸n

A continuaci贸n compartimos algunas notas de la segunda sesi贸n.

Es importante que las familias y los docentes conozcamos el funcionamiento de las redes sociales y lo convirtamos en un tema de conversaci贸n normal con nuestros menores. De esta manera estaremos contribuyendo a su alfabetizaci贸n digital.

Para un buen uso de las redes sociales es importante que tengamos en cuenta aspectos como la seguridad, la privacidad, la utilidad y las reglas del juego que pasamos brevemente a explicar a continuaci贸n:

Seguridad: Hackers, uso fraudulento de los datos...

Privacidad: ¿Qu茅 supone hacer p煤blicos los datos? En el caso de nuestros menores es fundamental que tengan una alta privacidad. Cosas que deber铆amos hacer:

- Lee la pol铆tica de privacidad de las RRSS.

- Decide a qui茅n le dejas ver tu informaci贸n personal.

- Revisa la secci贸n ¿Qui茅n puede buscarme?

- No compartas tu localizaci贸n.

- Usa Telegram o Signal, en vez de WhatsApp (su cifrado falla y por lo tanto nuestras conversaciones pueden ser vistas).

- Sal de las listas en digital Advertising Alliance.

- Haz b煤squedas en DuckDuckGo en vez de Google.

Reglas para ni帽os y j贸venes:

- Libre expresi贸n.

- Participaci贸n.

- Recibir informaci贸n adecuada a la edad.

- Orientaci贸n en el uso de Internet.

- Existen riesgos para la dignidad y protecci贸n de sus datos.

- Informaci贸n clara sobre contenidos ilegales.

- Protecci贸n especial de su salud mental y emocional, del abuso, explotaci贸n sexual y otras formas de ciberdelincuencia.

Seguridad: Actualizar el dispositivo, contrase帽as, soluciones de seguridad, filtros para spam, escoge la informaci贸n personal que compartes, prohibido aplicaciones no oficiales...

Comprobaci贸n r谩pida de la configuraci贸n de Facebook

Tutorial para configurar la privacidad en Facebook

Principios de uso

Aspectos a tener en cuenta de Instagram

- Permite subir v铆deos e im谩genes.
- Permite enviar mensajes privados.
- Permite comentarios en las publicaciones.
- Permite publicar en otras redes o aplicaciones.
- Sirve para contar historias del d铆a a d铆a.
- Contiene publicidad.
- El objetivo es compartir experiencias entre los usuarios.
- Posee modo p煤blico o privado.
- Edad m铆nima: 13 a帽os.
- La cuenta privada restringe los mensajes del p煤blico general.
- Permite bloquear a otros usuarios.
- No existe verificaci贸n de identidad, los usuarios pueden ser ficticios.

Acoso en la red

Usar la red para que otra persona sufra, se asuste, se moleste... de forma repetida.

La sufren con m谩s frecuencia las ni帽as, ni帽os con discapacidad, los LGTB y las personas con obesidad.
- Grooming.
- Sexting.
- Ciberacoso.
- Ciberviolencia de g茅nero.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Dissemination at University of Extremadura

 Presentation session of our project to future counsellors at the University of Extremadura. We would like to thank their teacher M陋 Jes煤s who gave us the opportunity to carry out this dissemination activity through an online session with the MEET application. We hope that our experience has inspired these education professionals.

A new session with the Polish Good Practice

 Cybersecurity session in which we continued the activities of the Polish good practice: Communication on the Internet.

In this session we talk about:

  • Web applications: WhatsApp, Telegram, social network messaging services. These are very useful applications that should not replace conversation.
  • Barriers to online communication: Semantic - The sender may use the words with certain meanings, but the receiver may interpret them differently or not understand them; physical - Environmental circumstances that impede good communication such as noise, lighting, distance or device deficiencies; physiological - factors that hinder or distort communication such as weak voice, defective pronunciation, deafness or visual problems; psychological - liking or disliking, emotional states, prejudices, etc.
  • Activity: We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of communicating via WhatsApp or a similar application. These are set out below and were reflected on the board of PadletAdvantages: We can communicate with a friend who is in another part of the city; there is no possibility of physical aggression; in urgent situations (call to the hospital) we will have immediate answers; we can share audiovisual materials; we keep in touch with people who are far away due to work circumstances, confinement, studies...; we can send photos of good things that happen in our family; we can buy things that we cannot find in our place of residence; we can request or send information about some matter quickly; make videoconferences; mass communication, etc. Disadvantages: You can be a victim of internet risks such as phishing, hyperconnectivity, fake news, or cyberbullying; sometimes we have too much information; in some applications our phone numbers are visible and harm our privacy; gifts sometimes make communication difficult; physical contact is lost; sometimes misunderstandings arise; sending a message to the wrong person; etc.
  • Deepening activity 1: The students answered the following questions in an online questionnaire: Why do young people spend a lot of time using the Internet? What other ways do you know of to spend your free time without the presence of technology? Below is an analysis of their answers.
A total of 42 responses were collected.

Why do young people spend so much time using the Internet?

Their responses were as follows:
  • The Internet is addictive.
  • For leisure and to look for information.
  • Because they have had parental consent.
  • Because it allows them to communicate with other people, play online, study...
  • Because of the situation we are living through with the pandemic.
  • Because if you don't do it you are not socially recognised in your peer group.
  • Because almost everything is done using the Internet.
What other ways do you know of to spend your free time without the presence of technology?

These are the activities mentioned by pupils: dancing, drawing, enjoying board games, playing sports, choreographing, going to the countryside, playing in the park, reading with the family, extracurricular activities, cycling or playing an instrument.
  • Deepening activity 2: We end the session by proposing to the students the creation of a poster containing the advantages and disadvantages of communication on the Internet. In the next session, we will share and present the work with our classmates.
Thank you very much!

Friday, February 19, 2021

P22 Advice to families


Activity aimed at families to give them advice on the good use of social networks and topics about the risks of Internet such as videogames, correct use of WhatsApp or other Social Networks, etc. Each country will organize it in the way they consider most convenient and will upload their evidence to the TwinBoard of this page.

Free image in Pixabay.


School families - 30 January 2020

On January 30th of 2020, we started our first session with the activities for families of the Native Digital Forum. In the first part of the session we explained the main features of the program.

This year our program will be worked from our Erasmus Project "Cybersecurity Schools" as one of its objectives is to raise awareness about security and protection online. With this space we are given an excellent opportunity to disseminate and publicize our project to all our educational communities.

In the last part we talked about technologies and we learned about the campaign #PuedesPararlo it as a priority channel of the Spanish Data Protection Agency to report photographs, videos or audios of sexual or violent content. As a practical activity we made this selfie to join the campaign on Instagram.

Finally, we analyze the risks of having geolocation activated in our devices. We knew what is EXIF in a photo and how to remove it to take care of our privacy and that of our children. In this link you can consult our presentation.

Below, in the TwinBoard, we share all the materials of the session.


Session 20 February 2020

Second training session with the families of our school where we talk about sexual abuse in childhood, advice on the use of mobile devices and their link to inappropriate content, how to deal with our children on the subject of secrets in childhood and a presentation on parental mediation.

The session was given by teachers Eva Moriel, Rebeca Rivas and Juan Antonio Rinc贸n in February 2019. In our project we are characterised by our flexibility in time and each organisation, depending on its characteristics, implements the activities at the most appropriate moment. It was very productive both for the contents, the feedback and the working atmosphere that was generated among the participants.

Below, in the TwinBoard, we share the presentation with links to high quality enlargement resources, as well as some photos taken during the session.


Session 17 November 2020

Today we held our first session of the Native Digital Forum - Family Activities. We are very happy because an average of forty families have been following our training. The first part of the session has been to explain the programme and the second part to deal with the risk of Technoaddictions. This second part has been dealt with by ARAVAL, a non-profit association, whose objectives include the development of actions and programmes that actively contribute to the direct help of families with minors with techno-addiction problems. We would like to thank Luis Guerrero Pecero for his impressive presentation. It has been very didactic.

Below, in the TwinBoard, we share all the materials used and generated during the session.


In the last two sessions with our families we have had the presence of Mar铆a del Pilar G贸mez San Miguel, Primary and Special Education teacher, Expert in Family Mediation and Family and Emotional Intelligence Coach. Her contributions, experiences, explanations and presentation have been a very valuable contribution to the objective of our project to create physical and digitally safe educational spaces for our children. In the two sessions we have worked on the optimal management of technology from the family.

Session 9 February 2021

The first session was held on 9 February and addressed the topic of Parental Styles and Social Networking. During the session our speaker gave answers to these three questions:

1. Technology, yes or no?
2. Parental styles and their "technological" consequences.
3. Healthy accompaniment of children on social networks.

The second session took place on 23 February and dealt with topics requested by the families in the previous session, such as social networks and their use.

Session 23 February 2021


On Monday 22nd March we had a training session with family members in the framework of our Erasmus+ KA229 project "Cybersecurity Schools". We trained in equality by analysing the negative aspects of social networks. We were fortunate to have a luxury speaker as Esmeralda Pizarro B茅jar, technician in care for people in situation of dependency, and technician in Gender Equality.

The session was recorded and you can follow it in the following YouTube video.

Esmeralda shared with us the following materials that we make available to our partnerships:

Songs for Equality.

Gender Equality Workshop. Group dynamics.

During the session we watched the following videos:

Regrettable sexist comments at the Goya Gala.

10 forms of digital gender violence.

Short film "Un d铆a cualquiera" - Year 2050 - Gender equality.

Here you can see some photos of the session:


With this photo we close the training sessions for families this academic year. The talk was given by M贸nica Mill谩n M铆nguez, coordinator of preventive programmes at the Fundaci贸n de Ayuda contra la Drogadicci贸n from Extremadura. The session dealt with the Family and video games and answers were given to questions such as the correct use of video games, whether or not they are appropriate, strategies that we should learn and many other questions that sometimes cause us to experience this use of free time with anxiety.

Link to website containing different video games.

Book dealing with gambling: El club de las cuatro emes.

Below we share with you the video and presentation of the session.


The online workshop was held on 26/04/2021. We have invited parents, but as one of the aims was to establish basic rules of using internet and devices in our school, we had also a group of students and teachers involved in some parts of the work.

Meeting was led by Dr. Katalni Baracsi who is one of the most active person in the field of internet law in Hungary.

During the session, parents were informed about the possible risks of some of the most popular applications among the younger generations. They were also given a package of good advices how to avoid serious consequences of uncontrolled using of electronic devices.

These are photos of the workshop.

Evaluation of the activities academic year 20/21

For the evaluation we have prepared the following questionnaire:

Questionnaire in Spanish

Questionnaire in English

Document with the analysis of the results in Spanish

Document with the analysis of the results in English


This year were organized two meetings, one on digital education and one on adolescence and internet addictions


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Cibermentores de 6潞 C en busca de informaci贸n y recursos

Cibermentores de 6潞 C buscan recursos variados para su presentaci贸n de las tecnoadicciones. Algunos han comenzado a tomar apuntes en las "notas del orador" de las presentaciones de Google.

Cybermentors of 6th grade, group C, are looking for a variety of resources for their presentation on techno-addictions. Some of them have started to take notes on the "speaker's notes" of Google presentations. 

En las 煤ltimas semanas los alumnos han estado dise帽ando el logo de equipo. A continuaci贸n os presentamos sus producciones. Uno de ellos ser谩 el que los represente como equipo. ¡Esperamos os gusten!

Over the last few weeks the students have been designing the team logo. Here we present you their productions. One of them will represent them as a team, we hope you like them!

A continuaci贸n os mostramos fotos de la sesi贸n.

Here are some photos of the session.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Cibermentores de 6潞 B

 Cibermentores de 6潞 B comienzan una nueva clase para continuar su trabajo de investigaci贸n. A trav茅s de la plataforma educativa eScholarium los profes nos han creado un libro que contiene la gu铆a de actividades y recursos que podemos utilizar para nuestro trabajo de investigaci贸n.

 Cybermentors in 6th grade B are starting a new class to continue their research work. Through the educational platform eScholarium, the teachers have created a book that contains a guide of activities and resources that we can use for our research work.