Friday, November 29, 2019

My Real Identity

We have started with a new activity. In this occasion the activity is made by Hugary. We have been watching videos about the appearances that deceive or bad habits with a mobile phone.
After, we have described different characters with our first impresions. This activity has been very funny and interesting.

P15 Evaluation Good Practices Unit 1 "Privacy"


  • All countries have developed questionnaires to assess the results of our good practices. These can be found in the "Further evidence" section of this page.

    1.- The activities were suitable for the age of the students:

    2.- Our children talk about the activities:

    3.- We observed some development and learning in our children:

    4.- Our children also taught us what them had learnt about the good practices.

    5.- Good practices supported the creativity of our children:

    6.- Good practices were helping our children to be safe at the Net:

    The following are general observations of good practices:

    Hungary: "My real identity". Our students enjoyed the activity.

    Italy: "Technologies and us". Quite and interesting and colourful activity. Our students enjoyed the activity.

    Poland: "Privacy and security in the Internet". Our students enjoyed the activity, the liked especially when they had to move around and read informations on the backs of their mates.

    Romania: "Protect your right to a private life". It was a useful good practice. A difficulty was some materials were not translated to English.

    Spain: "The party". It was a very instructive activity. One difficulty: It was a bit hard to lead the conversation about the topic. Our students enjoyed the activity.

    Turkey: "Protecting personal information". A very good practice that rises many questions in the participants, and make them think.

    The evaluation was completed by teachersstudents and their families. Below are photos of the process from the Fethiye Ortaokulu school.

  • The following instruments were used to carry out this activity:

  • Hungary: Evaluation questionnaire "My (real) identity"

  • Italy: Evaluation questionnaire "Technology and us".

  • Poland: Evaluation questionnaire "Privacy and security in the Internet".

  • Romania: Evaluation questionnaire "Protect your right to a private life".

  • Spain: Evaluation questionnaire "The party".

  • Turkey: Evaluation questionnaire "Protecting personal information".

P14 eTwinning Local Trainings


Local trainings about aspects such as eTwinning Platform, bureaucratic issues in Erasmus+ KA229 projects...

CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida (Spain)

In our School we have carried out training on bureaucratic and technical aspects of the eTwinning Platform. This tool is a perfect complement to our Erasmus Project. Here you have a photo of some teachers receiving the training.

Link to all the Photos in Google Drive


In our School were carried out two trainings, one face to face  and one on line

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Preparing for the trip to Romania

With our families we have prepared the trip of our first mobility to Romania. It was a very interesting meeting where we gave them information about the teachers who participated in the mobility, information about the host families and recommendations among which the following should be highlighted:
* Documentation of the students.
* Advice on what to wear.
* Communications between participants.
* Important baggage considerations.
We also talk about the programme of activities that we will carry out during the week of 9th to 13th of December and other information of interest such as the timetables of all the transports that we are going to use in our trips.
It's going to be a fantastic trip!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Positive and negative aspects of technologies: Our final products

Durante unas semanas nuestros alumnos han estado trabajando los aspectos positivos y negativos de las tecnologías. A continuación os mostramos sus trabajos con consejos que dan a todos sus compañeros de lo que han aprendido.
