Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cybermentors: Starting Our Work

En esta última sesión, hemos empezado con el proyecto sobre las Tecnoadiciones, que nos va a acompañar durante el curso.

In the last class, we started with the project about the Techno-additions, which is going to be the project of this academic year.

Aquí podéis ver como empezamos a trabajar:

Here's a photo of how we started working.

A cada alumno, se le ha asignado un apartado sobre el tema en el que estamos trabajando, del que tendrán que buscar y escribir información en una Presentación de Google.

Each student has been assigned a section on the topic we are working on, which they will have to search for and write information about it in a Google Presentation.

Aquí os dejamos otras dos fotos mientras que trabajábamos en el proyecto.

Here are another two photos while we were working in the project.

Estos son ejemplos de los apartados del proyecto que nos han repartido nuestros profesores.
These are examples of the sections of the project distributed to us by our teachers,
* Cosas que deben tener en cuenta los padres.* Points that parents need to keep in mind.* ¿Qué son las tecnoadiciones?* What are the techno-additions? * ¿Dónde acudir si tenemos un problema?* Where do we go if we have a problem?* Ventajas y desventajas de Internet, los teléfonos móviles y los videojuegos.* Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, mobile phones and video games.* ¿Qué es la nomofobia?* What is nomophobia?Esperamos que os guste mucho la publicación y el resultado del proyecto. Muchas gracias por verlo, y hasta las próxima.We hope you like the publication and the result of the project very much. Thank you so much for seeing it, and until next time.


Hungarian Good Practice: First steps


JANUARY 15, 2021

Recibida la formación teórica el alumnado de 5º E comienza su trabajo consistente en una presentación con consejos a seguir para detectar imágenes falsas en Internet.

Having received the theoretical training, the students of 5th grade E begin their work consisting of a presentation with advice to follow in order to detect fake images on the Internet.

Presentación utilizada para la formación teórica y seguimiento de la buena práctica / Presentation used for theoretical training and follow-up of good practice.

Lo vamos a hacer con una presentación colaborativa de Google y como se puede ver en la siguiente imagen nos hemos organizado en parejas para abordar los consejos que queremos trabajar y transmitir a nuestros compañeros.

We are going to do it with a collaborative Google presentation and as you can see in the following image we have organised ourselves in pairs to tackle the advice we want to work on and transmit to our classmates.

Utilizaremos la herramienta postermywall y lo haremos con la cuenta de correo electrónico del proyecto. La tarea de esta sesión consiste en seleccionar la plantilla que mejor se adecúe a nuestros propósitos, sintetizar el consejo en una o dos líneas, y comenzar los primeros pasos de edición. A continuación os compartimos fotos del proceso de esta sesión. ¡Saludos!

We will use the postermywall tool and we will do it with the project's email account. The task of this session is to select the template that best suits our purposes, synthesise the advice in one or two lines, and start the first steps of editing. Here are some pictures of the process of this session. Greetings!

JANUARY 27, 2021
Los alumnos de 6º C realizan los primeros pasos de la actividad con las profesoras María Luisa Dávila e Inés Carretero.

The students of 6th grade C take the first steps of the activity with the teachers María Luisa Dávila and Inés Carretero.

Clic en la imagen para acceder a todas las fotos de la sesión / Click on the image to access all the photos of the session.

Friday, January 22, 2021

P23 The fourth virtual mobility to meet the participants


Teachers coordinating the project we held an online meeting to discuss the following topics:
1. Monitoring of the activities from November to December 2020. We finished unit 1 with a big final product which was presented in previous entries of this blog. We are now developing the activities of the second unit about communication.
2. Cybermentor students: In the case of Spain students are investigating techno addictions. They received a theoretical training by an organization of Extremadura without profit motive and in this moment about ten students are doing the initial activities consisting of creating a logo, deciding the team name, writing in a diary all the things they know about the topic, and in the next weeks they will start a common presentation.
3. Brief explanation of the activities to be carried out during the month of January.


4. Preparation of Hungarian virtual mobility. Mobility will take place between the 2nd and 4th of March. Some of them will be: Sightseeing in Makó, presentations of each country, ice-breaking games, digital footprint test, workshops on topic how to become a good digital citizen. We will be lucky to have the cooperation of Dr. Baracsi Katalin who will do very interesting workshops about the topics of the mobility.
With the effort of all organizations we will achieve great results! 


Preparing Hungary virtual mobility

Teachers coordinating the project we held an online meeting to discuss the following topics:

1. Monitoring of the activities from November to December 2020. We finished unit 1 with a big final product which was presented in previous entries of this blog. We are now developing the activities of the second unit about communication.

2. Cybermentor students: In the case of Spain students are investigating techno addictions. They received a theoretical training by an organization of Extremadura without profit motive and in this moment about ten students are doing the initial activities consisting of creating a logo, deciding the team name, writing in a diary all the things they know about the topic, and in the next weeks they will start a common presentation.

3. Brief explanation of the activities to be carried out during the month of January.

4. Preparation of Hungarian virtual mobility. Mobility will take place between the 2nd and 4th of March. Some of them will be: Sightseeing in Makó, presentations of each country, ice-breaking games, digital footprint test, workshops on topic how to become a good digital citizen. We will be lucky to have the cooperation of Dr. Baracsi Katalin who will do very interesting workshops about the topics of the mobility.

With the effort of all organizations we will achieve great results! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

¿Por qué quiero ser Cibermentor? - Comienzo de los alumnos de 6º C

 En estos vídeos nuestros alumnos de 6º nos explican qué les motiva a ser alumnos cibermentores.

 In these videos, our 6th grade students explain us what motivates them to become cybermentors.


Los alumnos de 6º C han comenzado su trabajo de investigación. Para ello están consultando diverso material. En la plataforma eScholarium les hemos creado un libro interactivo que facilitará el seguimiento del trabajo.

The 6th C students have started their research work. In order to do so, they are consulting different material. In the eScholarium platform we have created an interactive book that will make it easier for them to follow their work. 

Click on the image to access the photos of the session.

Inicio de 6°B en el blog

El día 20 nos presentamos como "Cibermentores" y en resumen dijimos lo que sabíamos sobre las tecnoadicciones y por qué queremos ser "Cibermentores". Teacher Juan Antonio en breve hará una publicación con dichas presentaciones.

Traducción: On the 20th we presented ourselves as cybermentors and in summary we said what we knew about techno addictions and why we wanted to be cybermentors. Teacher Juan Antonio will write a post containing our presentations.

A continuación votamos para el nombre de los Cibermentores, lo hicimos así: Primero nos metimos en eScholarium para rellenar un cuestionario para votar un nombre. Había tres opciones: Cyberadictos, Los tecnoprofes y Los mentoadictos. Después, seleccionamos el que más nos gustó y lo enviamos. Cuando voten nuestros compañeros de 6º C publicaremos el nombre.

Traducción: Then we voted for the name of the Cybermentors, we did so that: First we got into eScholarium to fill out a questionnaire in which we got to vote on a name. There were three options: CyberadictosLos tecnoprofes Los mentoadictosThen we selected the one we liked the most and we sent it. We will publish the name of the team when our classmates of 6º C vote on a name.

Luego, Juan Antonio nos explicó cómo hacer el Diario de Aprendizaje, que por cierto es muy fácil de hacer. Como dos de nosotros ya lo hicimos en las vacaciones de Navidad, lo terminaron de hacer en la clase los otros dos compañeros con la ayuda de Eva y Juan Antonio. El Diario de Aprendizaje consiste en responder unas preguntas sobre las Tecnoadicciones para conocer nuestros conocimientos previos. ¡Fue muy divertido de hacer!

Traducción: Later, Juan Antonio explained us how to do the Learning Diary, which by the way is very easy to do. Since two of us already did it over Christmas holidays, the other two classmates finished doing it in the class with the help of Eva and Juan Antonio. The Learning Diary consists in answering some questions about technoadictions in order to know our previous knowledge on the topic. It was so much fun to do!

Y al final de la clase le entregamos a los teachers Juan Antonio y Eva los logos que hemos creado para que nos representen como equipo. Pronto tendremos un cuestionario para que votemos y elijamos el que más nos guste. Esperamos que os haya gustado este pequeño resumen de nuestra última clase.

Traducción en inglés: And at the end of the class we gave teachers Juan Antonio and Eva the logos we have designed in order to be represented as a team. A questionnaire will be done for choosing the best one. 

We hope you like this little summary of our last class.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Resilient Activity: Romanian Good Practice

5th grade A students have been working on RESILIENCE importance lately. 

We love music so that's why we have sung a Katy Perry song called 'Resilient'.

We share the activity and invite you to sing and practice this helpful attitude.  

Here, you've got the lyrics and the words you can use for this fill in the blanks activity.

Use these words:

rainbows, flower, sun, resilient, star, night, moment, concrete, winter, stronger

This is us, singing the song. VIDEO

And we share another version of this song in which Aitana (a Spanish famous singer who won a song contest three years ago) collaborates with Katy Perry. Let's dance together!!!!

Katy Perry feat Aitana and Tiësto VIDEO

We could learn about resilience through music, especially thanks to our teacher Lucila and her son who let us know this special song!!! Thank you so much!!!

Short texts in Media: Turkish Good Practice

In the next link we share with you our activities about short texts in media. It has been really interesting to learn about it!


Monday, January 11, 2021

Tasks January 2021

 Tasks January 2021

  • Image of Natalia Koroshchenko in Pixabay 

    During this month we will carry out the following activities:

    Other events of the project:

    • P23: An online meeting to know participants for the next mobility.

    Good Practices:


    • Research work with cybermentors.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Our first major final product: A presentation with good practices

We close all the work done during Unit 1 on Privacy with this presentation. It is our first major final product that will be defended by our cybermentor students at the 1st International Congress on Cybersecurity. These will be very special moments!

Unit 1: Privacy

Evidence "My (real) identity" - Hungary

Evidence "Technology and us" - Italy

Evidence "Privacy and security in the Internet" - Poland

Evidence "Protect your right to a private life" - Romania

Evidence "The party" - Spain

Evidence "Protecting personal information" - Turkey

Closing Down Privacy Activities

Romanian mobility (From 9th to 13th of December, 2019)

Final Product: A common presentation

Link to the presentation in Google Drive