Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Summary of family training on video games and Identity Theft



Today we had the second session of the family trainings in our Erasmus KA229 "Cybersecurity Schools".

The session was about video games and identity theft. Below is a summary of the topics we discussed and below is the video to the recording in case you want to watch it.

* The numbers of techno-addictions are rising in recent years. More and more children are impersonating their parents for online shopping, gaming and gambling.

* Impersonation is a crime of which children are unaware.

* Parents need to supervise their children's online activity.

* The importance of building trust between children and their parents.

* The social networks most used by children are: Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook.

* The social networks where most cases of identity theft occur are Instagram and Tik Tok.

* Importance of knowing parental control applications. Some recommendations are Qustodio or Family link.

* It is recommended to use Tik Tok from the age of 13; Instagram from the age of 16.

* In the event of identity theft, we should first report it to the service provider; if it is not resolved, to the authorities.

* Families should reflect on the frequent exposure of photos of our children on social networks.

* There is a form of gaming called Pay to win. Paying players get a clear advantage over the rest.

* Inductive discipline consists of a set of rules and consequences agreed between the family and the child. The aim is to make the child responsible for his or her behaviour without arguments.

To watch the session, watch the following video:

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Nueva sesión del Foro Familias: Videojuegos y Suplantación de Identidad

El próximo martes 21 de diciembre, a las 16 horas y a través de MEET, tenemos la segunda sesión del Foro Nativos Familias. Tenemos la satisfacción de contar con AFAVAL, centro que trabaja con jóvenes y familiares con conductas adictivas. Nos formaremos sobre los videojuegos y la suplantación de identidad. En este póster interactivo tenéis la información esencial del evento.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Votamos el logo y el nombre del proyecto

 En la sesión de hoy nuestros alumnos cibermentores han votado por el logo y el nombre que nos representará como equipo. A partir de ahora somos "TIC & TIPS" y este es nuestro logo:

Os invitamos a visualizar la siguiente presentación donde están todos los logos realizados por el alumnado así como sus propuestas de nombre de equipo.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Cibermentores: Sesión 24 de NOVIEMBRE 2021

 En la sesión de hoy hemos visto la presentación de Logos y nombres para nuestro equipo.

Hemos aprendido a usar diferente aplicaciones para mejorar nuestros logos, trabajos de clase e informaciones a nuestros compañeros.

Las aplicaciones han sido:


Tarea realizada en clase por Paula Álvarez Corchero.

  • WORT ART: hemos creado entre todos este diseño con palabras que nos motiva este gran proyecto que estamos realzando.


Algunos de los Logos presentados por nuestros alumnos están realizados con esta aplicación y ha quedado realmente visuales y auténticos. Va a ser muy difícil elegir solo uno la próxima semana.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Cibermentores dan sus primeros pasos

En la sesión de hoy hemos dado nuestros primeros pasos. Estas son las actividades que hemos realizado:

📌 Lectura de la guía didáctica y realización de un cuestionario interactivo para comprobar que tenemos controlados los aspectos más importantes del proyecto.

📌 Primeros pasos en el diseño del logo.

Os compartimos algunas fotos de esta sesión... ¡Hasta la siguiente!


In the footsteps of Ana and Mía

 The coordinator explained that this activity is part of two important projects of the school. One of them is our Erasmus project "Cybersecurity Schools". Throughout the year and on a monthly basis we will carry out training activities with our families. Below we share the presentation.


    It was a very interesting session full of new learning on a subject on which both teachers and families need to be up to date.

    Deborah shared the presentation with all of us and we present it below. It is a fantastic material that will help us to further explore the topic.


    Document with photos of the session

Monday, November 15, 2021

Make a good use, not abuse

En sesiones anteriores:

1. Nuestros alumnos buscaron en Internet viñetas de humor sobre situaciones cotidianas de hiperconexión. Algunos alumnos como se puede en la imagen se han decantado por realizar maravillosos dibujos tradicionales que compartieron en la videollamada. En este tablero social están contenidos la mayor parte de los trabajos realizados por las 8 clases.

En la clase de ciberseguridad del día de hoy hemos:

1. Recordado las ventajas y desventajas de vivir en un mundo hiperconectado (trabajado en la sesión anterior). Enlace al tablero social.

2. Participado en un foro de eTwinning. Cada alumno ha escrito una norma que debemos seguir para que vivamos de forma saludable en la era digital.

3. Diseñado pósteres muy creativos con cada una de las normas anteriores. En el caso de 6º E hemos creado un libro colaborativo con la herramienta Bookcreator. Os dejamos a continuación nuestro producto final.


Spanish Team participating in the mobility in Pescara



From left to right: Juan Antonio Rincón Carballo, Carlota Gomes Egea, Carla Triviño Gómez, Víctor Hernández Clemente, Mario Ruiz Fernández and María Lucila Audije Vega.

Friday, November 12, 2021

In the footsteps of Ana and Mía

On Wednesday 17 November we will have the first session of the Families Forum. We will have Devorah López Mansilla, nutrition expert from the "Ranva Clinic" in Badajoz, where we will talk about the influence of the Internet on eating disorders. The training aims to raise awareness of the relationship between the Internet and eating disorders; to know what information our children have access to; and what tools we have at our disposal for early detection of these situations.

You have all the information in the following interactive poster, we are waiting for you!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Welcome New Cybermentor Students!

 Damos la bienvenida a nuestros alumnos cibermentores de 6º que comenzaron en el día de ayer con su primera sesión. 

Durante el curso recibirán una formación para ser ciber expertos en Suplantación de Identidad. Están utilizando este Recurso Educativo Abierto.

Hasta el momento han realizado las siguientes tareas:

1. Los profesores les hemos dado la bienvenida.

2. Han leído el mensaje de bienvenida en el libro y han empatizado con su personaje "Ciber Reportera". Se han comprometido a convertirse en ciber reporteros con mención en Suplantación de Identidad.

3. Han reflexionado acerca de lo que esperan aprender en esta aventura.

¡Os seguiremos contando!

Monday, October 25, 2021

That's cool, that's not cool!

 Today we have carried out the good practice and everyone has made great use of it. Students and teachers have commented on a Padlet board the advantages and disadvantages of being hyperconnected. We invite you to enter the board and check our comments.

During the last few weeks our students have been working on a cultural activity based on the "bonecos" of Estremoz. It involves our Cybersafety project because we are providing students with strategies to disconnect from devices and develop their imagination. From the 5th to the 14th of October we have read this text and the pupils have drawn a model of a boneco with all the details. During the third term they will make one with clay in ART.

Click on the image to see the bonecos of 6º B

Click on the image to see the bonecos of 6º E

Below we share some photos from the session.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

ErasmusDays - Dissemination

 Our Management Team, in CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida, will disseminate our project in the ErasmusDays at In-Service Teacher Training Centre 🥰.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Good practice of technoaddiction

Empieza la buena práctica de las tecnoadicciones y se explica lo que vamos a hacer durante todo el curso con las videollamadas. El primer ejercicio es describir una imagen de ser adicto a internet. Julia describe lo que ve en la imagen y dice: que no quita ojo a Internet. Juan Antonio explica que si creemos que somos adictos a algo pidamos ayuda a tu padre o tu madre. Explican lo que es estar hiperconectado. Y pone un vídeo para ver lo que aprendemos. En el video sale que una profesora tiene que ponerse un marco de una televisión para que le atendieran sus alumnos en clase.

The good practice of techno-addictions starts and explains what we are going to do during the whole course with video calls. The first exercise is to describe an image of being addicted to the internet. Julia describes what she sees in the image and says: that she does not take her eyes off the internet. Juan Antonio explains that if you think you are addicted to something, ask your father or mother for help. They explain what it is to be hyperconnected. And he shows a video to see what we learn. In the video, a teacher has to wear a television frame so that her students can pay attention to her in class.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

ErasmusDays 2021


Our event has been validated by the National Agency. The Spanish Team is looking forward to receiving the videos from each of the organisations. Juan Antonio will be in charge of making a common dissemination video.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Dissemination of our Project in eTwinning Live

Hoy he tenido mi primer evento en la plataforma eTwinning y ha sido todo un honor contar con profesionales como Trinidad Pérez, Juan Bosco, Nieves y Marieta. Les he presentado el proyecto Erasmus+ KA229 que coordino y ellos me han dado propuestas para la mejora del mismo. Estas han girado en torno a temas importantes como es la aseguración del impacto del proyecto y su difusión a través de materiales abiertos. ¡Muchísimas gracias!

Today I had my first event on the eTwinning platform and it was an honour to have professionals such as Trinidad Pérez, Juan Bosco, Nieves and Marieta. I presented them the Erasmus+ KA229 project that I coordinate and they gave me proposals for its improvement. These have revolved around important issues such as ensuring the impact of the project and its dissemination through open materials. Thank you very much!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

ErasmusDays - Cybersecurity Schools: Impact on the lives of its participants



Our schools have just registered for #ErasmusDays by editing a video with the testimonials of their participants, narrating the impact of the project on their lives. Below you can see in more detail the description of our activity.

Frequently asked questions about eTwinning

I am doing a course with my agency called "eTwinning Embassy". One of the tasks has been to create a bank of recurring questions that are of great help in our eTwinning project. I have used the Symbaloo tool and it will be a space that I will update little by little. I hope it will be useful for the project partners and students.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Presentation of the project to new teachers

At 2 p.m. we presented our project to the new teachers. We hope that many of them will be interested in it and will be able to take its activities with their students in their respective classes. We remind that in our project we have four types of activities:

* Good practices.

* Activities with cybermentor students.

* Activities with families.

* Transnational activities.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Turkey presentation of the project


Our new Turkish colleagues are introduced to the Cybersecurity Schools project by our coordinating partner Aysegul Erdur. We welcome them and hope they will have a very positive and enriching learning experience in their lives.

On this TwinSpace page we will be publishing our presentations to all partnerships.


Friday, September 17, 2021

A new Academic Year begins


On Friday 17 September the coordinating partners met to organise and plan the new academic year. It was a very important meeting in which we reached agreements on the following points:

- Planning and organisation of monthly/annual tasks.

- Use of TwinSpace.

- Dissemination activities.

- Mobilities. The first mobility will be in Italy (Pescara) between 22-26 November. We will start the organizational arrangements in the first half of October.

Here we share some photos of the session. Many thanks to all partners for making things so easy and for reaching agreements in such an easy way. That makes for a great project. Welcome!