Monday, December 28, 2020

Our Second Christmas with you!

During the month of December we have carried out various Christmas activities to share with our partners of Cybersecurity Schools.

First, we made a collaborative presentation on Christmas traditions in Spain.

To congratulate our partners we have chosen to make beautiful Christmas cards, mostly handmade, a collaborative Christmas tree that has decorated the entrance to the classroom of 5º E, good wishes for 2021 and a Christmas carol sung by the 5th level (Teachers: Rebeca, Lucila, Daniel, Carmen and Juan Antonio). All our works have been compiled and can be consulted at a Padlet called Christmas in the Cybersecurity Schools Project.

Christmas card made by Jorge (5º E).

Hayzam making one of the slides of the presentation with our Christmas traditions.

Victor, disguised as Father Christmas, poses at the entrance to the classroom next to our collaborative Christmas tree.

Marta Leo and her good wishes for 2021.

Christmas carol sung by all the groups of the 5th level,

From the Portfolio Project we have joined the activity of "Christmas Curiosities from European Countries". The activity has been coordinated by Lucila Audije and we invite you to read our experience in previous entries of this blog.

Teachers Belén and María José with their 5 year old students send you their Christmas greetings.

Students of Teacher Belén López (5 years old).

Students of Teacher María José Díez (5 years old B).

Finally, and in order to give visibility to all the work and all the students, we have chosen to edit a video that shows in images the process followed and the activities carried out during this month. We hope you like it.

Happy 2021!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas traditions in Europe

Our Portfolio project coordinator, Lucila Audije Vega, proposed this wonderful activity consisting of viewing a video made by the 5º B students about curiosities of Christmas in Europe. After watching it, we joined the proposal of making a drawing about some curiosity accompanied by the flag of the country of origin. The final product of 5º E has been the creation of an online book that we share below.

As the activity is also framed within our Erasmus+ KA229 projects, we have shared this work with our European partners on the respective social boards created to celebrate Christmas.

Juan working on his European curiosity

Friday, December 18, 2020

P30 Christmas Celebration


Students and teachers will upload Christmas cards. Teachers prefer handmade cards. We can write the wishes not only in English but also in the native language of participating countries.

Hecho con Padlet
We invite you to see the following works:
Spain: Christmas tradition in Europe (post in this blog).
Spain: Christmas tradition in Europe. Photo album with the students doing the activity.
Spain: Christmas tradition in Europe. A book that gathers the work done by all students as a final product.
Spain: Publication in the project's blog containing all the works and materials created for the different Christmas activities.
Spain: Video summary of the whole process followed and the Christmas activities carried out for our project partners.
Italy: IC Pescara 7. Presentation of Christmas traditions in Italy.

Good practices: Final products of Turkey and Romania

Nuestros alumnos de quinto presentan a través de Meet sus trabajos sobre las buenas prácticas de Turquía y Rumanía.

Our fifth graders present their work on best practices from Turkey and Romania through Meet.

Buena práctica de Turquía / Turkish Good Practice

Todo el nivel de 5º participó en un Padlet en el que tuvieron que simular conversaciones de WhatsApp que incluyeran abreviaturas. La actividad fue un éxito y el resultado lo compartimos a continuación.

The whole 5th grade participated in a Padlet in which they had to simulate WhatsApp conversations including abbreviations. The activity was a success and the result is shared below.

Hecho con Padlet

Los alumnos de 5º C realizaron una presentación colaborativa con Google donde investigaron sobre las abreviaturas que están admitidas cuando escribimos mensajes de texto. Aunque no es aconsejable realizar un uso excesivo de las mismas. Os invitamos a ver la presentación de nuestros compañeros. ¡Enhorabuena a la clase y a su teacher Daniel Gallardo!

5th grade "C" students made a collaborative presentation with Google where they researched about the abbreviations that are allowed when writing text messages. Although it is not advisable to use them excessively. Congratulations to the class and to their teacher Daniel Gallardo!

Los alumnos de 5º E hicieron una presentación colaborativa en la que reflejaron los consejos más importantes que debemos seguir cuando escribimos mensajes a través de los principales servicios de mensajería.

The 5th E pupils made a collaborative presentation in which they reflected on the most important tips to follow when writing messages through the main messaging services.

Buena práctica de Rumanía / Romanian Good Practice
Tanto los alumnos de 5º C como 5º E optaron por llevar a cabo la actividad de resiliencia consistente en colorear las situaciones presentadas con el color que representa la emoción. Rojo: enfado; naranja: preocupado; amarillo: feliz; azul: triste; y verde: no me afecta.

Both 5th C and 5th E students chose to carry out the resilience activity consisting of colouring the situations presented with the colour that represents the emotion. Red: angry; orange: worried; yellow: happy; blue: sad; and green: does not affect me.

Aprendimos que cada uno experimenta emociones distintas a una misma situación, en otros casos coincidimos, y también se dio que una misma acción podía tener varias emociones según el estado de ánimo o las circunstancias personales de la persona. Enlace a las fichas de trabajo de 5º E.

We learned that everyone experiences different emotions in the same situation, in other cases we coincided, and we also learned that the same action could have different emotions depending on the mood or personal circumstances of the person.
Hoja de trabajo de la alumna: Lucía Mendoza Fernández / Student worksheet: Lucía Mendoza Fernández.

Hoja de trabajo de los alumnos de 5º C / 5th C students' worksheet

English post in our TwinSpace


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tasks December 2020

 Tasks December 2020

Image of PublicDomainPictures in Pixabay 

During this month we will carry out the following activities:

Other events of the project:

  • P30: Christmas celebration: Sharing information, photos, videos or workshops on Christmas traditions in every partner country.

Good Practices:

  • Final product Unit 1 Good Practices: A common presentation.


  • Research work with cybermentors.